Antwort Are people still using hashtags? Weitere Antworten – Are hashtags still a thing in 2024

Are people still using hashtags?
Are hashtags still relevant in 2024 Short answer – Yes. But social media has changed a lot over the last few years. And how people use hashtags today is evolving quickly.On Twitter (X), hashtags have been seen to increase engagement up to 50% for brands. Furthermore, tweets with 1-2 hashtags have a 55% higher chance of getting retweeted. In short: hashtags still have their place, but you should be mindful of where and how you use them.Instagram has never penalized anyone for using 30 hashtags over another number. Instead, they constantly encourage you to use them to increase your reach. Your viewers don't care if you use 30 hashtags or not, neither does Instagram. The key is finding hashtags that align with the interests of your audience.

How to use Instagram hashtags in 2024 : Hashtagging in 2024: 5 Tips for Instagram Hashtag Use

  1. Keep It Relevant.
  2. Followed Hashtags.
  3. Don't Go Overboard.
  4. Research and Monitor (Then Repeat)
  5. Create Branded Hashtags.

What is the 3 hashtag rule

Not who you are then you're going to pick one to three hashtags. That are related to what it is that you offer. And then one to three hashtags related to why aka.

What will replace hashtags : 2023 Trend: Social SEO will replace hashtags

  • Write Keyword-Optimized Captions. Use keywords within your captions that reflect your business.
  • Consider Hashtags as Keywords. Where you would put #budgeting, remove the hashtag, and it will still serve as a keyword (SEO).
  • Make the Most Out of Alt Text.
  • Encourage Tagging.


The results showed the posts with keywords instead of hashtags received higher reach and engagement numbers time and time again. But, keywords on their own are not enough. Yes, including relevant keywords in post captions help enhance reach and engagement, but they don't operate in a silo.

But, with the ever-evolving landscape of algorithms, SEO and marketing in general, it's natural to wonder if hashtags are still relevant in 2023. Well, I'm here to tell you that Instagram hashtags are far from being dead, they've simply evolved!

Is less hashtags better

How many hashtags should I use on Instagram Instagram recommends using between 3-5 hashtags on a single post. However, you can use up to 30 hashtags if you place them within the first comment on the post for even greater visibility.Hashtags are directly related to the time of your image post, so you want to make sure you use your hashtags as close to posting as possible. If you delete hashtags and repost them, or simply add hashtags a few hours later it won't work. Best practice is to post your hashtags at the same time that you post your image.However, using 30 hashtags in a post will definitely make your post come across as spam. Up to 10 hashtags is good for engagement as long as all of them are relevant. Here is an easy way to find relevant hashtags: – Instagram Search: You can look for 'Tags' in Instagram's search bar.

In March, Adam Mosseri (head of Instagram) announced that the importance of keywords in an Instagram caption is more important than hashtags.

Why is Instagram removing hashtags : Th head of Instagram, was recorded in a live video saying that the recent hashtags view was a vector for spam and abuse and it was removed for the safety of users. Sacrificing one of the most useful tools in the app for discovering new content to combat spam seems like a cop-out.

Why stop using hashtags : Despite all those possible excuses I just offered, one thing is pretty clear: just using hashtags doesn't increase engagement. If you want more likes and comments, you need to think a little more creatively.

Should you stop using hashtags

For now, using more hashtags is still the best strategy for increasing your reach on feed posts. However, it's important to focus on quality, hyper-relevant hashtags — even using 5 or 10 hashtags is better than zero.

Spoiler: Hashtags can help boost your brand's social media reach and engagement. If you use social media to market your brand, you should use hashtags.You can add up to 30 hashtags per post on Instagram. No. Using many hashtags is not recommended but using all relevant hashtags even if they are less in number is highly recommended.

Is it bad to use all 30 hashtags on Instagram : If you're including them within your caption, stick to 3 to 5—like Instagram recommends. If you're going to use the first comment for hashtags, then up to the full 30 hashtags would be acceptable. However, this is not to say that you should use 30 hashtags for every post.