Antwort Will they cancel a credit card if you don’t use it? Weitere Antworten – Do credit cards get Cancelled if not used
The short answer is yes. A credit card issuer has the right to close your credit card if you don't use it.If you stop using the card altogether, there's a chance that your account will be closed (typically after at least 12 months of inactivity). This will appear on your credit report and could drop […]
Antwort Kolik kW topeni? Weitere Antworten – Kolik kW na topeni
1. Zjednodušená a přehledná tabulka určená pro snadné určení výkonu topidla Výkon TOPIDLA plyn, nafta, elektřina Prostorový objem NOVOSTAVBA dobře zateplená Ostatní neizolované prostory 10 kW 150-300 m3 37 m2 20 kW 320-600 m3 74 m2 30 kW 650-1000 m3 110 m2 40 kW 1050-1300 m3 150 m2 Platí, že na 1 metr čtvereční by […]