Antwort Do you have to top up pay as you go every month? Weitere Antworten – Do you have to top up every month on pay as you go on Vodafone
Our Pay as you go Bundles are designed to renew automatically every 30 days using your top-up credit. That means, like other Pay as you go plans, you'll need to have enough credit each month to continue using your bundle. Head to our top up page to see all the different ways you can top […]
Antwort Why did people wear top hats? Weitere Antworten – What was the purpose of the top hat
During the 19th century, the top hat developed from a fashion into a symbol of urban respectability, and this was assured when Prince Albert started wearing them in 1850; the rise in popularity of the silk plush top hat possibly led to a decline in beaver hats, sharply reducing the size of the beaver trapping […]